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  • Intention is your human superpower to compete with AI

Intention is your human superpower to compete with AI

A learning from the assassination attempt on Donald Trump

Hello, my friend! 👋

Years ago, I went hiking and snapped photos every few steps. By the end, I had hundreds of photos. I didn't review them all; I just saved them. Later, I told a photographer friend about this, proudly saying I was bound to get a few good shots from so many. He paused and said, "No, I don't think so, friend. If you didn't have any intention when taking those photos, they're not good. You can't just select a great photo by chance."

That stuck with me because it’s so relevant to our current experience with AI. We often use AI as a fancy toy to generate compositions from existing patterns. But without intention, we don’t create original, powerful outcomes.

Take, for example, the recent news of the assassination attempt on ex-president Donald Trump. You might have seen the great photo taken by Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Evan Vucci. Some might say it was luck, being in the right place at the right time. But I disagree. The photo was definitely intended. The composition, the flag in the background, the bodyguards around Trump, and his raised fist—it all shows intention. Evan knew what was important to capture.

Another example is a photo taken by Evan a few years ago during Trump’s election campaign. It shows Trump with a big "EXIT" sign behind him. This sign is usually high up, meaning the photographer had to raise his camera intentionally to capture both Trump and the sign. This wasn’t accidental; it was deliberate and thoughtful.

So why am I discussing this in an AI newsletter? Because AI's fancy features let us generate content with minimal effort, much like my hiking photos. But you can’t create great content without intention. This is the key difference between human effort and AI effort. When using AI, we should practice intention first, then use AI as a tool—not the other way around.

Here’re five cool things I’d like to share with you today 🙂

  • Work Smarter, Not Harder: AI Document Analysis with ChatDoc (Your PDF analyzer)

  • Notion AI & ChatGPT: Table Generation Magic!

  • Prompt Engineering Techniques From OpenAI

  • The Perfect Prompt Format Works with ChatGPT, Claude, Llama, or any LLM

  • How To Build a $20,000 3D Website (No Code + AI)

Work Smarter, Not Harder: AI Document Analysis with ChatDoc (Your PDF analyzer)

How to chat with a PDF and get data-backed answer

Notion AI & ChatGPT: Table Generation Magic!

How Notion AI and ChatGPT can revolutionize your research process by generating insightful and organized tables in no time.

Prompt Engineering Techniques From OpenAI

How to get the most out of AI models like GPT-4 with practical prompt engineering techniques that improve response accuracy and relevance, from OpenAI’s guides.

The Perfect Prompt Format Works with ChatGPT, Claude, Llama, or any LLM

How to create perfect prompts for any AI model using the easy-to-remember PTCRE framework to enhance your AI interactions and productivity.

How To Build a $20,000 3D Website (No Code + AI)

How to create and sell high-end 3D websites effortlessly using AI and no-code tools, perfect for aspiring developers and non-tech professionals. 如何构建一个价值20,000美元的3D网站(无代码+AI)

Have a great one and see you soon!

Love from Bear, your design + AI friend 😎